Could understanding and working on your voice be the missing piece to a growing a wildly successful business?

In this episode, Dr Belinda McMahon, one of our Genius Bunch members shares deep scientific insights into the power of our voice.
Belinda is a vocal influence and identity coach and the founder of VoicePrint Professionals.

In this episode, Belinda addresses some of the following questions: 

  • Are you born with your current vocal tones or can it be trained? 
  • How does your voice impact other people’s perception of you?
  • What’s shaped your voice up until now?
  • How can you leverage your voice to achieve more?

The good news: Your voice is not a fixed instrument. Every single person has the power to become a strong communicator. In this episode, Belinda also shares some vocal exercises to help you train your voice. 

Happy listening!

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Here’s to creating ripple effects of brilliance everywhere we go!
The Basic Bananas Team