As business owners and marketers, one of the biggest challenges to constantly overcome is procrastination. We are usually the most valuable resource in our own businesses, so we need to make sure we complete the highest impacts tasks. We need to put ourselves to good use to ensure the most valuable resource (us) is not wasted.

In this episode Christo discusses the following 5 strategies to overcome procrastination:

  • How to create a clean slate 
  • How to be methodical with high impact tasks
  • Creating mini commitments to high impact tasks 
  • How to make the hard things fun 
  • How to associate challenging tasks to your highest values

Make sure to also join us at the next Blast-Off Marketing workshop to map out your one-page marketing plan. This is the link to register (no cost!):
Or apply to join the popular Clever Bunch program to accelerate your business growth.

Happy listening!

Here’s to creating ripple effects of brilliance everywhere we go!
The Basic Bananas Team