Could Pinterest become one of your most powerful allies in the world of marketing? Pinterest is like a digital playground for your business to attract customers in a fun and engaging way. It’s a treasure trove of inspiration and creativity, giving you the power to showcase your products or services. With the right strategies, you can turn pins into wins and transform browsers into loyal customers. In this episode, Kate Ahl, the founder of Simple Pin Media shares some important insights into why Pinterest is the underdog of social media that shouldn’t be ignored by some businesses.   Some of the highlights of this episode include…

  • What makes Pinterest so different to all the other social media channels.
  • Why Pinterest is NOT for everyone.
  • Your first hour on Pinterest – what to do.
  • How to repurpose content from your other channels.

Happy listening! Make sure not to miss out on our upcoming Pinterest Masterclass with Kate, please register here. Recordings are available after the live session. To discover more marketing strategies, make sure to join us at the next Blast-Off Marketing workshop to map out your one-page marketing plan. Here is the link to register (no cost!): Or apply to join the popular Clever Bunch program to accelerate your business growth. Here’s to creating ripple effects of brilliance everywhere we go! The Basic Bananas Team