Inspirational business woman Ioho de Beer is teaching people to read 13 books in a day.

Franziska: Thanks for being here today. I really appreciate you taking the time out and to come and talk to us a little bit about quantum reading and your business.

Ioho: It‘s a pleasure, Franziska. You know, we‘ve spoken many times and it‘s lovely just being able to, yeah, share the mission and with you there hosting it. So thank you for inviting me.

Franziska: Thank you. Thanks for being here. So just to start off with, Ioho, can you tell us a little bit about your business, the Quantum Reading Institute?

Ioho: Yes, the Quantum Reading Institute has been going for about 15 years now. It started off where I was setting up libraries up all over the world. I‘ve set up about 40 libraries. I‘ve always been interested in reading and this has developed obviously from that. I‘ve worked with major international companies like Belletone, Angler American, Russ Childs. And then more specifically when I left the corporate world I wanted to do something that impacts people more. So we then really focused on quantum reading, and I developed this amazing product called Quantum Reading, where you mentally photograph the information. And that‘s had an amazing success in many spheres. And it‘s also changing and doing something you love. That makes a huge difference, too, to be able to work with something you love and share that with other people.

Franziska: And that comes across a lot when working with you. You‘re very passionate about what you do, which makes it even more fun to join your courses. And I‘ve also heard that you are talking about the libraries you set up, you‘re now involved with a school in South Africa to help them set up a library as well.

Ioho: That‘s right. Yeah. And that‘s wonderful because when you‘re running around and being an international consultant you get paid high fees to set up a library. But this is particularly nice because it‘s a disadvantaged school. It‘s also in South Africa, which is my home country. And we‘re just going to do this for free, just as a thing to give back to society. John Woods run around the world and he‘s put up this amazing organization, Room to Read, and set up about 10,000 libraries for underprivileged children in countries and focusing on women and children. So it just is a magical thing for us to be able to do that next year. I‘m just so excited about it.

Franziska: That‘s fabulous. You spoke a little bit about the Quantum Reading Institute. What made you decide 15 years ago to start your own business?

Ioho: Well, I think everybody comes to a stage where you would like to contribute a little bit in the world in your own unique way, and also it‘s quite nice to be your own boss. They always tell you that your own boss is more critical than any boss you could have had, but it gives you that flexibility. And I could really share from my heart. I didn‘t have to go through policies and procedures and boards and things to implement something. That‘s been wonderful because it‘s been able for me to develop my creativity together with my love for reading.

Franziska: And what‘s your mission? You‘ve been doing this for 15 years and working hard to fulfill your mission. What is your mission?

Ioho: Our mission is to educate, to inspire and to empower. And do this through reading, and doing this very unique reading system throughout the world so that people can really achieve more in less time. Students really stressed with the ages so they can really learn to relax – just a quick story. I spoke to a 16 year old I‘m coaching with their mum yesterday and she got 100% in the NATS test. First time ever she‘s got this. She said everybody was freaking out at the NAST test. She was pretty calm with a unique breathing activity we do, and she just got 100%. She was so chuffed. And just doing that on a worldwide scale, can you imagine what that‘s going to do?

Franziska: Amazing. Truly amazing. Are you able to share a few Quantum reading tips with us and our listeners?

Ioho: Of course. I‘d love to do that. I‘ll give you two tips. The one is to do with quantum reading, per say, and the other one is to do with working more with your brain. We‘ve got amazing brains with massive real estate, almost unlimited real estate. And often we‘re just using a fraction of it, just simply because we don‘t know. So let‘s start with a quantum reading tip. The most critical tip and it might sound pretty easy and simple, but very few people, in fact, no one in our class has it right until they come to our classes, is to set a purpose for reading. Why am I reading this book? And if I just take the book that I‘ve got on my desk here, it‘s called the Mind Game by Phillip Day, what would be the purpose for reading this book? So specifically I‘d be very specific to say I really want to know more about how the mind works and particularly what Phillip Day is telling me and I‘d like to come away with five strategies that I can implement either in my life or the courses, specifically from this book. So I‘d either have the five strategies by the time I‘ve finished doing the quantum reading methodology. And then of course part of the purpose is how do you feel? Because feeling brings to you your purpose much faster. And that‘s a kind of segue into using our brain better because our middle brain, we‘ve got three brains if you like, the new brain, then the cortex, the middle brain, and the ancient brain, the cerebellum.

Using this system to really get excited and say, ‘Gosh, if I could do that I would feel so empowered and happy that I‘ve actually boosted our quantum reading course even more.” That would really make you say, “Gee, I was really wanting this. Come on guys. Hustle and get it very quickly.” Whereas if you‘re really apathetic, yeah, it would be really nice to do that, but you probably say something like this, ‘Well, it‘s okay. This week or next week. She‘s busy with a few things so just put it at the bottom of the list and we‘ll do it sometime.” Then people wonder why the goals aren‘t being achieved.

So really setting a purpose with clear, detailed, I say put numbers in there, results in there you want to get out of your reading, and how do you feel if you got those results. And make it outrageous. I mean, can I tell you something funny?

Franziska: Yeah, please do.

Ioho: There was a guy in the states I was teaching on Skype. He said his purpose and he said, “Oh, he‘ll be happy.” I said, “Can you just up the ante a little bit. Happy – just make it.” He said, “Okay, is it okay if I‘m orgasmically happy?” I said, “Yep, that‘ll do.” So that sort of thing, really make it crazy, dancing on the moon happy and your brain will react to that. It‘s just using your brain in the language that bringing results.

One tip is to purpose. And the second tip is to use your brain more efficiently. And the easy way to do this is to, I‘m not sure what the people listening to this know about brain wave states, but essentially we‘ve got five brain wave states, which is if your brain moves faster or slower. And coupled with that is a function. So if you’re in a relaxed state of mind, we call it the Alpha state, sort of meditative state, yoga state, in the zone state, that‘s your super learning state. That opens up the vast resources of the rest of your mind. So just breathing deeply, maybe ten times at half your normal space will put you in that Alpha state. And you will absorb 100 to 1,000% information just by using your brain more efficiently. So an Alpha state, purpose is actually the first step in quantum reading, and getting into that brainwave state, super learning state is our third step in quantum reading. It‘s a 12 step process. But those are critical before any of the other steps can follow. So just using those two you‘ll find you will achieve much more remarkable results than you already are.

Franziska: Fabulous, and I can tell from my own experience, I‘ve done your courses and the results that I‘m getting, applying your tips are just phenomenal. So I think those two tips are very powerful. Now, I know that you‘ve been coaching thousands of students internationally, everywhere. I know last time you told me about your students in the Caribbean I think it was.

Ioho: Yes, the Caribbean.

Franziska: The Caribbean, exactly. You know, what kind of results are your students getting? Do you have any inspiring stories? I know you just told us a little bit about the girl that got 100% is a maths test. Do you have any other stories that are as inspiring?

Ioho: Yeah, well I‘ll tell you just two quick ones. One was a CEO of a company. This was in the early days, before we had all the lovely stuff that I‘ve added since then. He got 100% in a first aid exam. He was also a yoga teacher. He found me that night and he was just so excited. He said, “You don‘t understand how important this is for me. I‘m a 60% guy. I work really hard to be 60%. I applied the quantum reading techniques and I was the only one in the class that got 100%. I cannot believe it.” And it‘s just using the techniques.   The other inspiring story is a fellow who we did recently who came to one of our seminars recently. He was labeled dyslexic. Not only people who are dyslexic, but people are slow readers or poor readers, reading seems to have an effect on a persons‘ self-esteem. I‘m not good enough. He was in his 40s, beautiful person, amazing ideas to help change the world as well. And once we did a few things, you know the grades, levels and that sort of thing, he suddenly realized that he was at the top level, and it didn‘t matter what his reading skill was. He was actually a very, very advanced thinking guy. And with the quantum reading steps and how he suddenly picked up great big fat books, he said, “I don‘t even look at the size. I just got through them.” And on the Sunday morning, really got our hearts…some of us cry a little bit. He said, “For the first time in my life I know I‘m normal now. You can‘t believe what that does to me.” Then he brought his son who was also thinking that he was dyslexic. And the change that their child made in the three days of the seminar was just phenomenal. He could just stand up there and read in front of the class and not think that he was not okay. Those are the inspiring stories. And you know, we‘ve got children and adults who achieve 300 to 1,000% reading efficiency which means comprehension and reading speed together. So hopefully those are two that inspire readers to realize there‘s a lot more to reading and your brain, and perhaps you‘ll realize at the moment.

Franziska: Yeah, it‘s so inspiring. I know also for a lady and probably a few of them who work with you are business owners, that it incredibly increased their income by, I don’t know, 200% in the next few months, which probably people think that it doesn‘t have anything to do with quantum reading, but it has so much to do with it. So those were some others. Because I know that there‘s a lot of small businesses listening to this class. I know of a few stories of, and especially this one lady that just achieved her goals more than…

Ioho: That‘s right. She wanted 50,000 above what she was getting in her business in three months. She achieved it in six weeks. She was blown away by that.

Franziska: Very inspiring.

Ioho: So it‘s kind of fun. Yes.

Franziska: And what‘s been your biggest achievement in your business so far? I know that‘s a huge question.

Ioho: Well, I think one of the biggest achievements was sort of I suppose actually following my dream, if you like, quitting the corporate world and saying there’s got to be a better way not to work 17 hours a day and do something for people and I guess for humanity. Doing that and then creating the quantum reading itself. Now the huge jump we‘re doing now is we‘re developing more products. The book is going to come out next year. We‘re going to have a book club where people can join and really every month I‘ll put tips out there and books to read and things like that. So we‘re doing a lot more products to spread it out to a wider international audience without just having access to me, which as anybody knows, it‘s limited. But now it‘ll be available to just about anybody who wants to get access to this information. Then also we‘re going to put on a few coaches to help people who actually need that individual attention next year. So a lot of exciting stuff in the future, changing direction, putting it out there to many, many people. And of course the major one is to start. Say, “Yep. I‘m going to do this, no matter if I‘m panicking. If my conscious mind is freaking out,” leaving a very safe, very profitable corporate environment to say, “no, I‘m going to follow my dreams and teach people to read better, as fast as flicking pages.”

Franziska: And I also know that your new products that just came out recently, I‘ve got them myself and a few of my contacts have them and people have, even without you having to be there, have achieved some results. I remember actually two of my contacts that have been using your product have been emailing me and you to say, “Thank you so much for putting me in touch with this lady, because even just doing the first course has changed my life. So I think that‘s very inspiring.”

Ioho: That‘s right. One fellow in particular said he went through the product, he‘d read 18 books since then and he was so excited, he couldn‘t wait for the next thing. So yeah, that‘s the kind of thing you can expect.

Franziska: Fabulous. Well, thank you so much Ioho, for your time today. And I know we‘ll be in touch and I will certainly tell everybody about your amazing products because it‘s changed my life, my husband, and all of my friends and contacts. So thank you so much for being here on our show today.

Ioho: I thank you, Franziska, it‘s a pleasure. And yeah, we‘re working together to help people get more results from just their brain than what they ever thought possible. So thank you so much for inviting me.

Franziska: Thank Ioho. Bye.