Today we’re going to look at ways to have a life and busy schedule.

Do you have no time and energy to do things for yourself?
Do you take your work home with you?
Do you never have time to think?

If you find yourself answering ‘yes’ to these questions, it‘s a telltale sign that your work-life balance might be a little tense to say the least.

Having a Life is Important

For both you and your employees! Finding solutions to work stress in your personal life is usually the go-to, but that only postpones the stress until the next day, and the cycle continues. Unfortunately, this can seriously impact your capacity to perform at your best and negatively influence your colleagues too. While this juggling act can be a difficult one, you as an employer can create greater productivity by providing your employees the option of working from home one day a week. As long as both parties understand that this isn‘t a day off, a day in a homely environment while still producing work could improve overall task results. Giving an employee who has dedicated themselves to your business this flexibility shows that they are a valued member of your team.

Small Businesses and Balance

While working for yourself is often more flexible and provides more freedom than working under a boss, going solo comes with a whole new set of challenges. If you are establishing a business, you might find yourself working more hours than you would like. This is where your passion for what you do is very important. Developing a business and a brand is time-consuming but if it‘s something you’re passionate about, you won‘t mind the time it takes. Just don‘t forget to look after yourself in the process! Take time out when it gets too stressful and doing something that‘s just for you.

To make things a little easier on yourself, prioritize your business activities and set weekly goals and plan weekly tasks in advance. This will help to give you a sense of control and direction over your life and your business. If you have employees, don‘t be afraid to delegate! Realistically, you can‘t do it all. Alternatively, you can outsource tasks that need to be done if you‘re time-poor.

Equality isn‘t Balance

In the search the find the perfect harmony between work and your personal life, people often get confused and think that dividing your time equally between the two is a healthy balance. While this might work for some, balance is how you define it – there is no one-size-fits all solution. This balance might change daily and what works for you today, might not work for you tomorrow. In your personal life, the balance you have when you‘re single will probably change when you‘re married. So many different factors will change your ‘right‘ balance even on a day-to-day basis, the key is to try and identify what you need for yourself today, but also know where you want to be tomorrow. Don‘t be fooled though, it‘s a lot more difficult than it seems.

Jim Bird simply but effectively defines work-life balance in his article ‘Work-Life Balance Defined‘ as “meaningful daily achievement and enjoyment”. This doesn‘t just mean achievement in your work life and enjoyment in your personal life – but that you experience achievement and enjoyment in both areas. That sounds pretty fulfilling to me.