Most small businesses don‘t experience success with their online marketing because there is a hole in their process, people click their ads or interact with them on social media, but most of these leads never convert to a sale, so it‘s wasted energy and marketing spend.

Learn How to make your online marketing success by…

  1. Gaining clarity on the entry points where people first find you
  2. Look over every conversion point where people decide if they want to interact with you or proceed towards a sale
  3. Look for ways to increase the results at every conversion point
  4. Implement more ways to build trust and provide more value, so prospective customers advance towards a sale

As you improve your online conversions you will want to drive more traffic to your website. Here‘s an article with 5 steps on how to increase your website traffic by improving your SEO rankings.

Enjoy the episode!
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Team Basic Bananas
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