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Are you listening to your target market? Or are you listening to your own ‘rock n roll’?
It’s so important to listen to your market by asking questions and doing research so you can give them what they want.
Also ask your clients how you can improve your products or services.
One fabulous free online survey software we love is www.surveymonkey.com

Please share your strategies to listen to research your target market below.

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Christo: What are you listening to?

Franziska: Sorry?

Christo: I can’t hear.

Franziska: Oh…

Christo: You’re not even plugged in.

Franziska: I’m not even plugged in.

Christo: Are you plugged in?

Franziska: Well, I wonder if people are plugged in to your market.

Christo: Plugged in to your market?

Franziska: Yeah.

Christo: That’s right. Business owners should be plugged in to their market and listening to their market.

Franziska: How do you do that?

Christo: I don’t know. Well, you shouldn’t be listening to yourself creating your own… Are you listening to your own rock ‘n roll? You should be listening to what your market would like. Plugged in to your market, how do you do it? That was a good question… I even answered it.

Franziska: That was actually quite a creative thing that you said, there. Are you plugged in to your own rock ‘n roll or to your market’s rock ‘n roll?

Well, I think the importance of this lesson is that; you, as a small business owner, you need to be plugged in to your market and how you do that is by asking questions, listening to your market and by doing research.

Christo: That’s exactly right. Research, there’s good tools like Survey Monkey. Find out what your clients want because it doesn’t necessarily mean if you build the most fantastic business if you’re not listening to your market and what they want. Then you’re not going to do it with the right thing. So you can listen to them, survey them, Survey Monkey, add surveys on feedback forms are awesome.

Franziska: Yeah.

Christo: Find out what they want and deliver it.

Franziska: And you know what, what I always love asking on a survey is, “How can you make your product or your service even better for them.” Because they give you instant feedback about what they want and you can deliver it to them, so I think that’s a great lesson.

Christo: Exactly, spot on. What do they want? What could make your service even better? Ask them these questions; ask them if you want days of the week or times or hours. Ask them what times they prefer, how they prefer your product to be delivered. What they like in someone who delivers your product or service.

Franziska: Also, so, what we would like you to do is below, in the comment box, just ask and ask questions. And also post any strategies that you use to plug in to your market and maybe strategies that you use to reach such a market. Thank you.

Christo: Thank you.

Franziska: If you like this video please share it on your social media networks; you can share it on Facebook, on Twitter, on Google Plus. You can even like the video below and also, please leave us a comment below just so you help us spread the love and share it with your friends and family. Thank you so much.

Christo: Yes, and if you would like more marketing tips and tricks for small business, go to BasicBananas.com and leave your name and e-mail address and we’ll definitely send you some cool stuff.