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In this marketing tip you will learn how to make sure your eNewsletters work.
How to get your target market to open your eNewsletterl and read it.
How to engage your readers.
How to add value with your newsletters.
And some other hot newsletter secrets!

Please share your own email newsletter tips below!

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Franziska: Hey, what are you doing?

Christo: Uh, just deleting all these newsletters again in emails. I got so many emails and I got these newsletters that are so long. They look fancy but it’s such boring stuff.

Franziska: Yeah, I know… I get a lot of those too, actually. To be honest, I don’t read a lot of newsletters that I get. I must have subscribed to so many newsletters cos I got to love them. I read half, probably half of them.

Christo: I don’t think I have subscribed to these newsletters but I don’t know. How could these business owners make them more engaging? How can they make them better?

Franziska: Yeah, I think that’s a really good question and a lot of people ask that question. You know, how can you make a newsletter more engaging? How can you make people read your newsletter? Because a lot of people like us, don’t even read them. And you know, there are a lot of newsletters that look fancy, amazing branding, and usually the business brand is this big. And then there may be too much body and that’s one of the biggest mistakes actually. So let’s give them a couple of tips on how to make a newsletter work.

Christo: Cool. How do you make it more valuable?

Franziska: Yeah, so one of the first things is, you have to make sure that your subject line is really good. So you need a subject line that already engages the recipient of your newsletter so that when I get an email, it has a great subject line that will make me want to make me open the email or the newsletter.

Christo: Awesome, I like it. So that will get me to open them; what else? So once I’ve opened it then what?

Franziska: Then what? So the next thing is to make it personal. I believe that a newsletter has to be quite personal for the reader to engage with you and to want to keep reading. So, personalizing it by saying, “Hi Christo. Hi Franziska.”, instead of saying, “Hi everybody and how is everybody doing? How is everybody’s weekend?” Don’t do it like that. Just make it personal by saying, “Hi Christo, I hope you’re well. I hope you had a great weekend.” The other way of personalizing it is by just saying stuff that is just a little bit personal, you know, say, “Hey, I had a great weekend. Actually, my Uncle from Holland was here.”

Yeah, I don’t even have an Uncle in Holland. My Uncle from Holland was here and I showed him around the beaches in Sydney. That way you can make it more personal.

Christo: I think a bit of personal info is good; to throw in a bit of gossip that could come across as not too dry and business-y.

Franziska: Yeah, exactly.

Christo: I like it. What else? So, you got me to open it. You’ve engaged me because its more personal, it doesn’t look like a dry kind of newsletter. A lot of newsletters look really awesome but it’s kind of like getting a newspaper.

Franziska: Yeah. That’s the thing.

Christo: A newspaper without the news. A newspaper that’s just ads.

Franziska: That’s right, now that’s a good point. So my recommendation is to not put your branding big and first and bold and everywhere because it looks like somebody’s trying to sell me something straight away unless you have a brand that everybody wants to know about. If you’re a small business, you don’t need your branding everywhere and so big. People won’t recognize it; so just start off with great news. Maybe put your branding at the bottom, maybe on the side but don’t make it a brand exercise because a newsletter is to inform people about something new and something exciting. So that’s the next thing.

Christo: Very good.

Franziska: The other thing is to keep it short; SO keep the newsletter short. Don’t write huge newsletters, you don’t have to wait, you know, 3 months to send out a newsletter and then send a big massive thing. What you can do instead is just send maybe a monthly quick, short newsletter where you say one or two things and that’s it. So, keeping it short helps your reader want to read.

Christo: Yes. I definitely agree with that one because the little tips you get from some businesses are fantastic. A lot of these newsletters are too long and they definitely get deleted or put into a folder to look at later and later never seems to come.

Franziska: I’ll give you 2 more.

Christo: Excellent!

Franziska: One is send valuable stuff, so make sure you send valuable stuff. Send stuff that people want to read, don’t just sell stuff. Make sure your newsletter has stuff that is valuable for your reader. And the last thing, you want the last thing?

Christo: I’d love the last thing.

Franziska: Yes, and the last thing is, use your p.s.

Christo: That’s a good point.

Franziska: Yes because people actually read them. When you put a p.s. at the bottom, people read them. So if you have anything exciting that you really want people to read, you put it in a p.s. and they surely will read it.

Christo: I like it.

Franziska: Is it cool?

Christo: Yeah, very cool. Thank you very much, nice work. So if you’ve got any tips or tricks that you’ve found of what works really well for emails and you’re getting fantastic opening rates, we’ve done a lot of testing and measuring, and for your newsletter please share down below. Post a comment, thought, insight that you found worked or that has worked with your emails, post away down below. We’d love to hear some fantastic techniques that you have used as well.

Franziska: Awesome. Thank you.

Christo: And so everyone else would to. Thank you.

Franziska: If you like this video, please share it on your social media network. You can share it on Facebook, on Twitter, on Google Plus. You can even like the video below. And also, please leave us a comment below just so you help us spread the love. And share it with your friends and family. Thank you so much.

Christo: Yes, and if you would like more marketing tips and tricks for small business, go to BasicBananas.com and leave your name and e-mail address and we will definitely send you some cool stuff.