In this episode, Christo shares a practical productivity tip to help you complete your tasks faster with focus and clarity. 

0:18 The 80/20 rule when it comes to completing tasks
0:33 The power of working with team members or freelancers
1:00 Having an ‘advisory board’ to bounce ideas off

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Christo: So today I want to share a little bit of a productivity tip with you. Now, you’ll notice with tasks, if you pay close attention, usually about the first 80% of a task can be done very quickly and then it’s that final kind of 20% where it takes a lot longer, so it’s suddenly really slow. Even like the final 10% of completing a task could often take as long as doing the first 80%. Like you can get through things and then really refining it and getting it right. If you just sort of smash something out, you can move pretty quickly. So this is why you need other people to be part of your team. You need people to bounce ideas off. You need a team member who you can rush it through that 80%, even 90%, and then you can hand it over and they can do the finessing or give you some feedback and then get it done so that you’re not sitting there looking at it over and over and over again, especially with text, writing copy, copywriting for any marketing material can be really challenging when you’re just doing it alone. This is why we created the Advisory Board, which is part of our membership, part of the Clever Bunch and the Genius Bunch for our members, every single week they can get unlimited marketing collateral reviewed, unlimited brainstorming specifically for them. They can send through an email or a document, newsletter, social media profile, post anything and say, could you guys have a look at this? So they can rush that first 80% they can get smash that out. It doesn’t take all that time and energy and the strain of wondering is it right or wrong? They get it to that point and they flick it off to us. And then it’s our problem. We look at it, we do the finessing, we look at it word for word, we do the final touches and then obviously discuss it with them and explain it with them, send it back to them. And that’s part of our offering, we created that intentionally so that people can move so fast. They’ve got us as part of their team and you need that in one way or another, whether it’s with us. As a member, if you are a member, or if you want to become a member, or building your own team around you, you simply need that to increase the productivity so you can move quickly. Because to be productive, you need to be moving on things. You can’t be sitting on things and taking forever. It’s a great way to improve your productivity. So, yeah, if you’ve got any questions about this, feel free to post through to Basic Bananas or email [email protected], but happy to help. If you want to learn more about our membership and our online workshops, check us out on I’ll see you on the next episode