In this video you will discover how to stay motivated even if you‘ve achieved some of your biggest goals.

00:55 How to avoid the flat line

01:35 A better way to stay motivated

02:25 Why action inspires action

Here is to making a ripple effect everywhere you go!

Christo: Hi there and welcome back! We had a lot of questions around motivation as you can imagine. Having worked with thousands of different businesses over the years now, we see motivation at all different stages. Something I wanted to share on today is a tip with you is around sustainable motivation because motivation comes in peaks and troughs, obviously. But what happens is we see people set goals to grow their business, or it might be a big goal like a goal to make $2M or to buy a Porsche or to own a beach house and as their business grows and they suddenly achieve these things what happens is they suddenly become flat. Like, we‘ve all heard it before and it could be easy to look at people like this and think, “oh wow you got it so tough, you know, you‘ve got a million dollars and a beach house, poor old you.” However, you hear people who do this kind of thing and say look I made the most money I‘ve ever made but I felt empty or I felt flat. What we‘ve come to realize is that if the goal is, like let‘s say your life purpose is to make a million dollars.

Well, what happens is you make the million dollars and then suddenly, you‘re done. It‘s kind of like the money is there but it doesn‘t kind of love you back. I think, we‘ve found a great way position your goals. Instead of doing this is, is live by your values. So instead of living by my goal is to make a million bucks or to buy a Porsche.. because once you buy the Porsche, great you did it, live by the values. The values might be things like continual growth, continual education and honesty. So continual action in your business. So you‘re always moving towards your goals. You‘re always moving towards growth. Just moving. Then those tangible things should be like rewards. So it‘s not the end game is to suddenly own the beach house and you think you‘ve done and you‘re set for life. But that‘s a reward for the continual growth or once you‘ve reached a certain mile or a certain amount of revenue and so on. So you don‘t get to this point and suddenly feel empty and basically without a purpose anymore.

So we always want the purpose should be the sustainable, ongoing thing that keeps us moving, keeps us striving for more, moving forward. And action is always that thing that keeps us growing, keeps us moving. Little itty bitty steps. We all know that action kind of inspires action, too, when it comes to motivation. So as long as we just take the first step with something, then we tend to usually get a momentum and take the next step and the next step and the next step and so on. So beware at big goals and our purposes. If it‘s something that‘s a tangible thing, you might get there and realize that it‘s you know, it‘s not as exciting as it seems.

Make sure we‘ve always got sustainable values which move us forward ongoing forever and ever to keep that fulfillment and keep that happiness. As we‘ve seen a lot of people go through this and it‘s an interesting place to be. It‘s like I cross these counts when they‘ve reached all their goals. Which should be the other way around. It should be a celebration. And then we‘re moving, continually moving forward with the next thing. So I wanted to share that with you today from a different perspective. No matter where you‘re at, hopefully you can take something from this which will serve you moving forward.