Is your old technology holding you back?  In this episode of BBTV, co-founder Christo Hall discusses how outdated technology could be the case for missed opportunities in your business!

0:33 Missed opportunities

1:00 Improve communication

2:00 Feeling slowed down

2:28 Precious time

Christo: Hi there! In today‘s tip I want to share with you a common thing that we see that holds people back. And it‘s often using old technology. So it‘s amazing how many people still get by with a, you know, a really old laptop or an old phone that hasn‘t got the lightest and greatest technology.

Now, it‘s not about just time that‘s wasted using old technology, it‘s about missed opportunity. That‘s where things really start to snow ball. So for example we had a.. one of our Clever Bunch members a couple of years ago who owns a sailing school, he was running off an old phone. The old phone he didn‘t have it tapped in to access things like bookings and communication with customers and his team and so on. So we got him to upgrade his technology. He got a new laptop and a new phone, a new smart phone. What this allowed him to do was see opportunities that he wasn‘t even aware of. So for example, one of the things he started to do is to improve communication with customers is he has uploaded weather report every single morning to all of his database and he posted on his YouTube channel and he posted on his website right from his phone. So he could be anywhere, he could record the videos, now here‘s the weather and the sailing conditions for the day, upload it and there it was, it was done.

Also, he could do things like update his operations manuals. So he might be on site teaching a lesson, he recognizes a new process to make the lessons better or improve things for team or customers. He can quickly record that process on his phone, upload it so that clear out straight into his online operations manual so then that‘s distributed across all of his teams‘ mobile devices when I log in to the operations manual. So it can be rolled out across the entire team just like that. Really simple and smooth.

Now, the key here is, he‘s on the old technology that was slowing him down but he wasn‘t even aware of these things to really update his, basically his technology to move things to the client and so on. But if the second you feel that you‘re being halted, that things are being slowed down and hindered by using some old technology, it‘s worth updating. Especially, if you can see the amount of time that you probably spend on something like a laptop. If you‘re waiting for it to load and do things, at that time over and over again, one of your most valuable resources in your business is always, it‘s your strategies, it‘s how to do things to grow and it‘s the time to get dedicated to these activities. So that time is very precious. So you want to make sure our technology is not holding us back.

Of course, I‘d love to hear your comments and any thoughts or any tools that you use that have helped you to increase your productivity rapidly or things that might have hold you back. If you still have one of those old Nokia, was it 3310 or 3210, let us know. I always love to hear those comments, too. With this tip, feel free to share it with any of your colleagues, friends who you know would benefit. And also check out the Pick of the Bunch, our podcast. We share a lot of valuable resources, information and marketing strategies through the podcast. You can find it on the podcast app on your smart phones nowadays. Just search Pick of the Bunch by Basic Bananas and hit subscribe and you‘ll get all of those episodes weekly to your iPhone. Thanks again and we‘ll see you on the next episode.