You‘ve all seen it or experienced it before, when digital disruption comes into your business and starts to shake things up a bit! In this BBTV, Christo shares why it‘s important to keep an open mind and remain flexible in times of change.  

We want to hear from you! What is currently disrupting your industry? Share with us in the comments!

(0:50) Amazon

(1:30) Think ahead

(1:38) Be proactive

Christo: Hey there guys. In this tip, I want to share a little bit of input around digital disruption. This is all throughout the media when it comes to small business and it can sound a bit daunting for a lot of small businesses.

Digital disruption? What is it?

It‘s basically where the whole internet platform is interrupting businesses or all sorts of different digital platforms are interrupting business as it was. Like for example the retail industry has been really shaken up, of course, as a lot of you are very aware of, by online stores and things like that. So when it comes to digital disruption, the most flexible businesses that are always ready to move are the ones that we‘d say that tend to thrive. So it‘s about keeping an open mind and leveraging these platforms.

Like in Australia, at the moment, Amazon is a looming threat to a lot of retail businesses, and it is a reality. Amazon is prepared to launch in Australia. It should be happening some time soon in a not so distant future and this could interrupt a lot of current retail providers and even people who might wholesale to retail stores, they might be impacted.

So what could we be doing? We‘re just thinking about maybe we need to get our products on to Amazon so we can get on that platform and sell through that platform, or maybe you need to look for other ways to sell your products and services, maybe building your own online stores instead of selling through other retail. But just keep an open mind of what do we need to do so we‘re thinking ahead rather than coming and tearing apart the industry and suddenly we got to try to piece things back together.

So it‘s being about proactive and being on the front foot when it comes to anything that‘s a looming threat to disrupt your industry.

So I would love to hear from you. If you‘re in a certain space, because we can comment and share some advice of our experiences in all different industries. If you‘ve got something disrupting your industry at the moment, feel free to share it with us and we‘ll see if we can give you some input, or any comments or thoughts you‘d like to share in the comments below.

So once again, here‘s to creating ripple effects of awesomeness and making a global impact with this kind of marketing awesomeness. We‘re all about making a difference for business owners to create a business that can run, hopefully even without them to some extent, but creating that impact that flows on through individuals and their families and everybody around them.

Until next time. Take care!