One of the most common questions we get is, “How to run a promotion to generate sales as quickly as possible” In this episode of BBTV, co-founder Christo Halls gives you the steps to creating a successful promotion that leads to sustainable sales!

0:39 Develop trust
0:44 Credibility
0:48 Initiate sale
0:55 Provide value

Christo: Today, I want to share a response to a common question we get around, “how do I run a promotion?” How do I promote to generate more sales as quickly as possible?

Well, the response to these is, promotions will work once you’ve got trust. So to have sustainable sales that are increasing over time, what we need to look for first of all is developing trust. So the process that we take, and this is key to all of your touch points that you have with any customers that we follow is, develop trust first. So it’s like building a relationship. It’s kind of like making friends first then we move to showing your authority. So show your credibility and then we move to a sale.

First of all, developing trust in that section. What we might be doing is things like delivering articles, giving value, providing a free quote, providing a free trial, a sample, a free opt-in information on your website. Give value to develop the relationship. Basically, make friends.

The next thing we do then we start to show is to position you as an authority – case studies, testimonials, show a bit of credibility. It might be your business awards, it might be an accreditation. We sneak that in through the marketing, so they say, okay you get an authority on this field.

And then third thing we do after we’ve developed the trust and showed them the credibility, then we move to sales. So you might then invite them to come and buy. Or that’s when you move to things like, “hey we got a limited offer!”

So always developing trust first. It’s the most important thing for your brand, always across the board. The more trust you have, the more people will buy from you and the more they’ll buy sustainably. So if you produce a new product or service, they’ll trust and love your brand, the more they’re likely to buy.

So I’d love to hear from you also. If you have processes that you follow where you’ve developed really great trust with customers, please do comment and share those here on and also on our YouTube channel where you can go across and subscribe to these videos if you love to browse around on YouTube, you can always subscribe. Check out “Pick of the Bunch”, our podcast which is on iTunes and also on the podcast app also here on where you can get a lot of information and marketing tips and tricks. Please do share this video, of course, and comment to anyone who you know would benefit from it as well. Thanks and we’ll see you on the next episode.